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We regenerate soil – naturally.

Struggling to get your market garden or hobby farm growing? Transform them into thriving ecosystems with Bactivate. For hobby farmers and market gardeners alike, our solutions bring professional-grade soil regeneration right to your backyard. Experience the joy of growing healthier, tastier food, and more resilient plants.

Read more about us

Why do you need soil bacteria?

Please watch this video. Though the first minute is a bit slow it will be the best 4:30 mins of your gardening life – we promise.

Now for home soil farmers.

For the first time in over 10 years our farmer only proven range is available for backyard gardeners and people who understand the mirco-biology of soil right across Australia. Independently proven in the toughest and most intensive of environments on Australian farms, Bactivate Home Soil Regeneration Packs are the 3 in 1 solution to build healthy bacteria communities in depleted soil.

The difference is naturally clear.

Commercial grade, the difference our products make to soil and in turn plants, is clear. From seedlings at one of our commercial growers, to flowers, to lawns and tomatoes, Bactivate produces results. But don’t just take their word for it, a 5 year Landcare study in the Mitta Valley across 14 farms found improved ph, brix, microbiology, root elongation, nutrient density and time to animal weight. The pastures held more water and produced better pastures year after year with the Bactivate program.

Mitta Valley Landcare Study

Learn more about how our scientifically proven program has helped farms just like yours.

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What’s in it?

The Bactivate home soil farmers pack contains all you need to regenerate your soil and build thriving bacteria communities so your plants, lawns and fruit and veg can thrive.
1. A unique blend of 5 beneficial bacteria in the trillions on a carbon rich biobase (2.5kg of granules).
1. A unique blend of 5 beneficial bacteria in the trillions on a carbon rich biobase (2.5kg of granules).
Home soils are often depleted by the over use of chemicals or the reduction of carbon (all those leaves and clippings you take away would have fed your soils). We put back a balanced range of organically certified bacillus bacteria, with the right food sources, to increase nutrient uptake and kick start your soil engine for improved results.
2. Plant carbon (250mL).
2. Plant carbon (250mL).
Most carbon in the market is coal based (lignite) carbon. Bactivate uses specifically developed natural plant based carbon, which is more bio-available. Left to their own devices it’s what plants and bacteria normally access for nutrients. Being natural means it’s better for the environment.
3. Plant biostimulant with seaweed (250mL).
3. Plant biostimulant with seaweed (250mL).
Our plant biostimulant with seaweed contains 18 amino acids and a range of naturally occurring plant hormones (auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins) that promote root growth (elongation and thickness). This, in turn, helps the plants access the nutrients produced by bacteria living in the healthy soils. Bactivate Plant Biostimulant with Seaweed is far more environmentally friendly than many organic fertilisers as it avoids the overuse of heat and chemicals in processing.

Certified organic for your peace of mind.

The Bactivate 3 in 1 packs are organic certified by NASAA. That means less chemical fertilisers around your family and in our drains, rivers, lakes and seas. 


Up to 50 billion micro organisms!

Did you know there are more micro organisms in a handful of healthy soil than there are people on this planet? They are there for a reason and the overuse of fertilisers and chemicals can damage these fragile ecosystems. Bacteria have a symbiotic relationship with all that grows around your home and are responsible for up to 90% of what your lawns and gardens need to survive and thrive.

What are the benefits?

The Bactivate home soil farmers pack contains all you need to regenerate your soil and build thriving bacteria communities so your plants, flowers, lawns and fruit and veg can thrive.
Naturally improved soil and garden health.
Naturally improved soil and garden health.
Unlock the full potential of your soil with our balanced blend of organic bacillus bacteria. Improve soil structure, increase nutrient uptake, and kickstart a thriving underground ecosystem.
Improved Pastures
Improved Pastures
Enhance the health and productivity of your garden. Bactivate enriches your soil, leading to robust plant growth, lush greenery, and tastier crops.
Tastier, longer lasting, more nutritious fruit and veg.
Tastier, longer lasting, more nutritious fruit and veg.
Enjoy fruits and vegetables that are not only more flavourful but also last longer and pack more nutrients, all thanks to the enriched soils from Bactivate’s natural formulations.
Protection against extreme events.
Protection against extreme events.
Better root elongation and density, aeration of soils and water retention means your lawns, flowers, plants and fruit and veg will be better prepared to defend against the extreme weather impacts we know only to well in Australia.
Perfect for speeding up your composting.
Perfect for speeding up your composting.
Adding Bactivate bacteria to your compost is the perfect way to speed the composting process by up to 30%. Our bacteria will convert nutrients and minerals and make them plant available for rapid absorption, once you throw your compost on your gardens our bacteria will begin their real work. Not a composter? Well you should start.
Good for the planet.
Good for the planet.
Healthy soil stores more carbon than trees or plants. Healthy microbes in your soil are the very basis for improving carbon capture in our soils. Adding the Bactivate program to your gardens is one of the most important thing you can do with your dollars to help the planet.
Porous structure of bio-base.
Porous structure of bio-base.
The unique open structure of our bio-base improves the aeration of soils and water retention.
Pet friendly.
Pet friendly.
Got a hungry dog or cat? Don’t worry. These are all natural products naturally found in soils and they will be fine if they digest anything. Of course we don’t recommend feeding it to them as you want the bacteria in your soils not in your pet. Because of this we recommend trying to keep them off any new application for 24hrs.
Simple to apply.
Simple to apply.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist on this one and application is as easy as 1,2,3 (see below). The bacteria in Bactivate can be put out with a spreader or simply by hand. You only need a larger (9-10L) watering can to apply our plant carbon and plant biostimulant with seaweed.

Application advice.

IT’S AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3. Step one: Distribute 2.5kg of granules evenly across 100sqm by hand held spreader (or by hand, we’d recommend a glove though as the biochar is dusty). Step two: Add 1/3rd (approx. 83mL) of each of the plant carbon and plant biostimulant with seaweed to 9 to 10 Litres of water and spread evenly over the same 100sqm (then water thoroughly with hose or sprinkler for about 15-30 minutes). Step three: Repeat step two in 30 then 60 days. Repeat step one every quarter and think about taking advantage of our text reminder to set and forget (details below). For more or less land, seedlings or pot plants, please see recommendations below.

Application advice continued.

Warning: The three products in our program are commercial grade products that have been especially developed to work in harmony with each other as part of a program. Using alternative watered down products may not produce the same results. Please follow instructions for best results.
Sign up for our text reminders.
Sign up for our text reminders.
If you’re one of those home soil farmers who forgets every now and then, why not take advantage of our set and forget texts. Just send your mobile to us on our contact form below and we will send a text reminder on application times. Simple, and we promise to not send you anything else (unless you want).
More or less gardens?
More or less gardens?
If you have more or less area to cover please increase or decrease application rates proportionally. For larger garden areas you may require multiple bags of Bactivate 3 in 1.
Add a table spoon of Bactivate granules in the soil before adding seedlings. We recommend putting 2 capfuls of our plant carbon and plant bio-stimulant with seaweed in 9-10L of water and watering as you would normally water after planting all seedlings. Repeat in line with the rest of the program once established.
Pot plants
Pot plants
Add a table spoon of Bactivate granules in the soil around the plant. We recommend putting 2 capfuls of our plant carbon and plant bio-stimulant with seaweed in 9-10L of water and watering as you would normally water your pot plants. Repeat in line with the rest of the program.
As a foliator.
As a foliator.
Resilience against disease starts in your soil, not on your plants, so we recommend concentrating on that program to fix any visual signs of disease. If you want to use as a foliator, mix a capful of the plant carbon and the seaweed to 9-10L of water before adding the mix to a spray bottle and apply a fine mist over the leaves of the plant. and the plant biostimulant with seaweed to 9-10L of water before watering plants and gardens.

We’ve been thinking upside down.

For years we’ve been thinking about lawn, plant, flower and fruit and veg health upside down. It’s not what you spray on them or put on top of them that makes the difference, it’s the colonies of bacteria and micro-organisms below that make the nutrients readily available for plants to thrive. Time to start thinking upside down. Time to become a home soil farmer and evangelist for soil.

Them’s some tomatoes.

George is one of our home gardeners. He’s been amazed by the difference Bactivate has made. Think you’ve got better tomatoes than George? If you’ve used the Bactivate program in a side by side comparison trial and can’t believe the results send us a photo to [email protected]. Every entry goes in to a monthly draw to WIN A YEARS SUPPLY of Bactivate products. And it also helps build momentum around soil bacteria so we can all live on a better more nutritious planet.


Our mission is to bring generational prosperity to farmers through soil regeneration.

And all soil counts. When you make the choice to regenerate your soil naturally with healthy soil bacteria you make the choice to stop the run off of nasty chemicals and fertilisers that reach our drains, rivers, lakes and seas. You make the choice to build and capture carbon in your gardens. And you will become an evangelist for soil. You will even start looking into regenerative farming and then choosing products form regenerative farms, which will support those farmers to be successful. From you all change begins. Come join us. Soil is a fascinating world.

Learn more on our mission

Where to buy.

Questions, comments?

We’re for home soil farmers.

If you’re a passionate home soil farmer and have some specific challenges in your soil, or want to know more, just fill out the form with your questions and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Contact us for more information